Thursday, December 2, 2010



 Who among us does not like chocolate.  Most people love chocolate

     Benefits of Chocolate:

  • A matter of psychological comfort and it is the secret of joy and a sense of psychlogical comfort.
  • The age of people who love chocolate  longer than those who do not eat it at all.
  • Chocolate improves mood and eliminate depression.
  • Chocolate is good for the heart and blood.  I have read that studies Conducted on some animals have shown  that the cocoa powder  helps to prevent the oxidation of harmful cholesterol.
  • Also, Chocolate improves the performance of antioxidant defenses against situations of tension resulting from factors such as oxidation of air pollution, smoking and UV, that means chocolate works as a defender of the body.

                                       The most expensive kinds of chocolate

( Retchart) Cocoa Krillo: the rarest and most expensive type of cocoa in the world and comes from Venezuela and made only 10% of chocolate in the world of this type.  Do you know how much the price per pound of these chocolate? It cost: $ 120 per pound. www.richart- chocolates. com

Variety of Noka Chocolate it cost: 854 dollars per pound. www.nokachocolate. com

Delafee it cost: $ 508 per pound. www.delafee. com

Enjoy eating chocolate................  :)

1 comment:

  1. I've seen chocolate bars at London Drugs for just 59 cents!!
